Elementary school

The SSPP elementary school program, kindergarten through fifth grades, inspires learning beyond the common core. Our dedicated teaching staff champions critical thinking, confidence, collaboration, and instills the foundation of a growth mindset into our young students reinforcing a life-long passion for learning. The core curriculum is enhanced with extracurricular programming including a robust art program, Spanish and Italian classes, physical education, and technology. Our Resource Team and School Counselor work to help students be successful in the classroom.

- Writing/English Language Arts - Amplify Core Knowledge
- Science - HMH
- Math - Eureka Math
- Religion - Loyola Publisher, Liturgies, Sacramental Preparation
- Social Studies - TCI
- PE
- Spanish
- Italian
- Art In Action
- Music
- Coding, Robotics & Technology
- Guidance
Extra Curricular
- Newspaper Club
- Marian Club
- St. John Bosco Club
- Dance
- CYO Athletics - Grades 3-5
- Altar Servers

Special Programs
- SF Opera: Sing a Story - Grades K-3
- SF Opera: Books to Bravo - Grade 5
- School Families/Class Buddies
- Spelling Bee